Thursday, December 06, 2012

Content. SubhanAllah.

I have been so busy and content. SubhanAllah. Never imagined my life would turn out this way. Blessed.

I've a new hangout place now. :) Whoever "invented" online sewing classes are genius. Giving SAHMs the chance to do more with their time. Alhamdulillah, I cant believe how blessed I am to have stumbled upon the site. It's definitely what I have been thinking about doing for the past few months. Sewing classes from £13 and no expiry dates? Simply amazing! If you're another SAHM trying something new, I advice the site for you. There's so many arts and crafts on there!

Alhamdulillah for an amazing husband who supports me not only financially but also emotionally and physically. Haha He understands when I suddenly pick a fight with him it's not that he's done something wrong but mostly because of my materials not cooperating with me ;) SubhanAllah. I would've given up with myself way before I started but he saw something I have never seen in myself! He guides me through even though he doesn't know anything about sewing!! O Allah, thank u!

Of course my parents who stocks up my materials every now and then!! Alhamdulillah. And for an amazing mom who's given me the sewing genes. Hehe 

But, I couldn't have done it if it wasn't for such amazing kids. SubhanAllah. Khairaldin and Layina understands my sewing time! Khairaldin talks about material as much as I do! Cut like this like that, pink is better than green. I don't know how I managed to have a hobby and raising 2 amazing kids along side. 

Yes, Alhamdulillah.

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