December is such a busy month!! It's a month of celebration for us. It's our 2nd year wedding anniversary & also Iskandar's 26th birthday. Although it's only these 2 dates, I look forward to it every year! I don't really get as excited on my own birthday. I'd rather celebrate other people's birthday than my own. I love to give than to receive (at times). But of course most of the time I love to receive gits!!!! Heheheh although this year's celebration is ever so moderate, I still loved every bit of it. I had a few things planned for our anniversary but because of financial constraint we had to abandon most of the plans. Insha'Allah 2010 will be a year to achieve everything that I've wished for in 2009. Obviously I am ever so grateful for having the chance to celebrate all of these big events with our little baby boy! Insha'Allah many more celebrations to celebrate! As for Iskandar's birthday, it was a quiet and small celebration only with the family. But that was the best of it all!! Btw, I love the cards I got for him!!! It suited him so much :-) Other than that, Khairaldin turned 6 months and is already on proper solids!!!! One thing I have to celebrate is, I can now flush his poop down the toilet. Hahaha the joy I tell u! No more rinsing his diapers before it goes in the washing machine. Heheheh I was overjoyed when I saw his hard stool. Oh well, we get excited over the silliest thing anyway! And oh, he's putting on weight like nobody's business. I thought once he started solids he'd go slow on breastfeeds but no no, he eats normally but still have about 3 hourly milk feedings. I love it!!!! I still have that bonding sessions with him.
What more could I ask for? My years will normally start and ends with a bang! I never regret anything that happened throughout the years but I definitely look forward to many more adventures!
Btw, I started my new year on Maal Hijrah but welcome 2010! ;-) Sent from my BlackBerry® wireless device
I am super excited coz I can now blog from my BlackBerry! Like, finally! I've been wanting to blog since forever but I just can't be bothered to get out of bed and sit in front of the pc! Thought of buying a laptop for myself but yeah, it's not that I'll use it for work purpose or something. Hehehe so, since I really like this QWERTY keyboard, I'm gonna start blogging from my BB!
Can't you tell that I'm superbly excited. One thing though, pictures will be posted a bit later coz I still have to use my pc to edit it. But hey, at least you can read our updates first, right?
So, what say my new year reso is to blog more often? Yeah right! Hehehe till then, I've loads to update but will do it in a bit. Gotta cook lunch now :-)
Sent from my BlackBerry® wireless device
** This is a sticky post for the next 10 days, please scroll down for new posts :-)
My favourite babywearing shop! It's the only chic & trendy shop I am able to find! Definitely worth checking out Mommies :-)
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rPPS: Tell me if you actually read this entry till the end.
WOW!!!!! This is like the coolest apps by far on Facebook!! I've always wanted to know what I've status-ed about my whole entire 2009. You see, our Facebook is named Raja Iskandar Iva but truthfully, it's mostly "managed" by me. I will do all the status & pictures changes whilst Iskandar on the other hand, he's on there just to keep in touch with his mates. Yes, he's got a life and I haven't. hahaha Anyway, I saw someone doing this thing called "My Year In Status on Facebook " I thought that was a great idea! And when I tried it, the app actually have the whole list of our I mean, my statuses throughout 2009!!! How cool is that?!
I'm very excited about it because I didn't manage to keep a blog about my pregnancy and most updates were only done on Facebook status. So getting the chance to read ALL of it back is as if I'm reading my blog :-) Most of the things were about my pregnancy and guess what, I actually miss being pregnant. There's just this thing about being pregnant. Hmmmmmm. But mostly, I am glad I managed to find this app and actually reflect back on what my year has been like. Thanks Facebook you not only get me connected with my friends but also with my ownself. Heheheh Sentimental much? :-)
So, check out what we've been up to throughout the year ;-)
don't wanna get out of bed but baby's STARVING!!!!!!!! *snuggles*
- "spring" cleaning!
wants to go on a holiday within Europe but can't seem to decide on where to go.
wants to go on a holiday within Europe but can't seem to decide on where to go. Suggestions please?
is ding sme research n cloth diapering. There's too manyyy cute diapers to choose from! Any Mommies out there can point me to the right direction? :-)
is doing some research on cloth diapering. There's too manyyy cute diapers to choose from! Any Mommies out there can point me to the right direction? :-)
is counting down the days to a brand new life! Can't waittttttttt! :-D 21 days to go :-)
are contemplating on whether or not to know the baby's sex! Hmmmm...
had the best "Mee Kari" ever!!!!!! Thanks Mummy for the delicious dinner:-) Alhamdulillah.
craves for sugarcane drink. Oh no!
been married for 1 year 1 month 1 week and 1 day. haha Thought it's cool! :-P
can't wait to move in to our house! We feel SUPER independent! :-D *1 week to go*
can't wait to move into our "new" home! We feel SUPER independent! :-D *1 week to go*
reckons Hubby's getting all the pregnancy symptoms. Throwing up every now and then, that can't be right ;-(
reckons Hubby's getting almost all the pregnancy symptoms. Throwing up every now and then, that can't be right ;-(
can't believe she's half way through the pregnancy and still haven't bought a SINGLE baby stuff!!!!!!! Arghhh. The technical part is too complicated!!!!!
- shopping for baby's stuff sooooooooooooonnnnn! insha'Allah Can't waiiiiittttt. :-D
, first stop: Tinsletown! haha
is super excited and can't wait to move in the "new" house!!!!!!
is freeeeeeeeeeezzzzzzzzzzziiiiiiiiiiiinnnnnnnnnnnnnn ngggggggggghhhhhhhhh!
can't wait to unpack ALLLLLL her clothes. Can't bare wearing the same attire everyday of the week.
Your February statuses are below the ad
-when emotional takes control.
-when emotional takes control, I refuse to eat. (Chocs doesn't count! haha)
cant wait to see the baby again!!!!!! Few more days to go!!!! (Even though it's just a scan, we're super excited!)
is sooooooo sleepy!!!!! And it's only 7:30p.m. :-(
is excited for no reason! hehehe :-D Hormones I tell you, hormones!
now knows the meaning of SNOWED in!! Man, we can't even get out of our drive! I reckon it's 10 inches deep. Who's got a measuring tape?;-)
can start deleting stuff on the baby to buy list! Colour theme: YELLOW!!!!! Can't wait to get baby's crib and paint it YELLOW! woot wooots! :-D
feels so healthy! Haven't done "proper" housework for agesssss. But should really slow down as her back's hurting :-(
wants Odeon's popcorn & ice blast. But there isn't any good movie to watch!
- All this snow is making me want ICE BLAST even more!!!!!!!
wish that it'll stop snowing by tomorrow! She's driving herself to work tomorrow :-( And finishing at 8p.m!
wish that it'll stop snowing!She's driving herself to work tomorrow :-( And finishing at 8p.m!
is starving but don't know what to eat! Wish I've got cravings like Hubby at least I know what to eat.
is starving but don't know what to eat! Wish I've got cravings like Hubby at least I know what I SHOULD eat. hmmph
can't wait to see their baby!!!!! Wonder what other tricks he/she's got to show Mommy & Abah! ;-)
is glad that the Sonograoher didn't ask whether we wanted to know baby's sex or not! If not,I'd changed my mind.As of now, still UNKNOWN! :-D Soz guys!
is glad that the Sonographer didn't ask whether we wanted to know baby's sex or not! If not,I'd changed my mind.As of now, still UNKNOWN! :-D Soz guys!
is glad that the Sonographer didn't ask whether we wanted to know baby's sex or not! If not,We woulda changed our mind.As of now, still UNKNOWN! :-D Soz guys!
is CRAVING for her Li'l Niece Dian! :-(
is recuperating mentally. Thanks for the well wishes. It happened for a reason. :-)
is a full time housewife & soon to be mother starting next week. :-)
is a full time housewife & soon to be mother..........starting next week. :-)
was one of the many made redundant this week. Looking on the bright side, it is blessing in disguise :-)
is counting the hours the go home! I'm not in the mood to "serve" for the company! :-(
is counting the hours to go home! I'm not in the mood to "serve" for the company! :-(.
is looking forward to her "days off" so she can start researching on baby stuff. :-)
is amused yet annoyed!
- last day today! After all that's gone thru, I'm glad they TOLD me to leave. :-) CAN'T WAIT! 8 hours to go!!!
- as sad as this may sound, I FEEL LIKE TAGGING ALONG TO TRAV TOMORROW. Can I hangout at the Reception? LOL. Miss you guys already :-(
loves it when her life is falling into the right pieces. :-)
loves it when her life is falling into the right pieces. :-) Alhamdulillah.
loves it when her life is falling into the "right pieces. :-) Alhamdulillah.
loves it when her life is falling into the "right" pieces. :-) Alhamdulillah.
can't seem to sleep when Hubby goes off to work. Hmmm. Miss him dearly even though it's only for 4hrs a day!
can't seem to sleep when Hubby goes off to work. Hmmm. Miss him dearly even though he's away for only for 4hrs a day!
can't seem to sleep when Hubby goes off to work. Hmmm. Miss him dearly even though he's away for only 4hrs a day!
will keep herself busy by catching up with family & friends .........on FB! How sad. haha
's room now smell of baby stuff! Thanks to the Jaguars for the hamper. :-)
is loving all the cloth diaper prints! It's sooooo cute! We're spoilt with choices. Arrgh!
can now settle down and enjoy the weekends ahead!..... at least for the next 6 months!
can now settle down and enjoy the weekendsssss!..... at least for the next 6 months!
is in her 3rd trimester already!!!!!!!!!!!!! Excited & scared at the same time. :-|
is in her 3rd trimester!!!!!!!!!!!!! Excited & scared at the same time. :-|
has mastered the Art of being a LAZY BUM! Man it feels good & I'm not complaining :-)
hates it when the house is so quiet!!!!!!! I'm boredddddddddddddd :-(
is REALLY glad she's not living in Malaysia! With the "rates" the politicians are going, it's humiliating to be known as Malaysian!
had a rather productive day. Although it's just SKYPE-ing with Mom & Dad. I feel more alive now. :-)
had a rather productive day. Although it's just SKYPE-ing with Mom & Dad, I feel more alive now. :-)
: it's the weekend!!!!!!!! & Hubby's on 1 week annual leave. I'm the happiest person on earth :))))
is watching Hubby making HOMEMADE Pineapple Shisha Flavour! haha Guys, u are missing out on something big here :-D Come over quick!!!
wonders why she bothers keeping in touch with "some people" when they don't even bother!
is disappointed she can't go for "the walk" she'd longed for!!!!! Rain rain go away for a bit please.. :-(
can't believe it's still freezing cold in March! She can't fit into any of her Winter jacket. Please let the Sunshine. :-D
can't believe it's still freezing cold in March! She can't fit into any of her Winter jacket. Please let the Sun shine. :-D
went for "the walk". Expects to be massaged and definitely not walk anymore for the next 24 hrs. HAHAHA :-D Bliss.
went for "the pregnancy walk". Expects to be massaged and definitely not walk anymore for the next 24 hrs. HAHAHA :-D Bliss.
is having sleepless/restless nights already!!!! Tummy's getting bigger by the hour.
is craving for Froot Loops cereals! I can't believe they don't sell it in the UK! WTH!!!!!!!!
is craving for Froot Loops cereals! I can't believe they don't sell it in the UK! And on EBay it costs almost GBP15. RIDICULOUS!!!!
100 days to go, Insha'Allah!!!!!!!!! WOAH!
is in the laziest mood EVER!!!! Don't wanna get out of bed.
's belly now measures 36 INCHES!!!!!!!!!!! +- 14 weeks to go. WOWWEEEE!
is dreading the LONG journey in the car today! But looking forward to go somewhere other than Coventry/Birmingham/Leicester! haha
wanna spend her Monday as if it's a Sunday. In other words, do absolutely nothing! :-D
is up waiting for post to arrive. Can't wait to get ALL of the baby's parcel. Slowly building the nest for baby :-))
-lovely lovely weather! We're going for a walk round the neighbourhood. :-)
woke up at 7:30a.m. just to have breakfast and now going back to sleep till hubby gets home! :-D
- weekend's here!!!!!!! hahaha
are addicted to the Waterbirth clips on Youtube! We're definitely giving it a go for this baby, Insha'Allah :-) Hope we will be able to do so.
is going to be an Aunt for the FOURTH time! I'm so excited!!!
has got to refrain herself from watching CSI(s), Law & Order(s) and all other crime stories bcoz she's been having nightmares of her being kidnapped etc etc :-(
is so bored and she decided to spring clean part of the house. Haishh.
gave in to Onyx....... yet AGAIN! I need willpower to ground my cat!!!!!!!
gonna watch Knowing with Kudin!
are planning something BIG tomorrow. Hahaha
is amazingly knackered!!!!!!!!!!! i'm off to bed, again!
: mission FAILED.
:mission FAILED! Try again tomorrow. :-D
is not feeling well- nauseous and light headed!! :-( Gosh I feel like throwing up. Arghhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!
-not sounding like a bulimic but all I need now is to make myself sick and I'd definitely feel better. But I haven't got the courage to do so :-(
just got back from the GP. Thanks to Kudin's car for the early morning "workout". My bi&triceps are visible now :-P
can't wait for the weekend! No, I'm not going for the Capoeira thingabob. Hahaha Will be shopping instead :-D
can't wait for the weekend! No, we're not going for the Capoeira thingabob. :-p Will be shopping instead :-D
WOOHOOO! +- 80 days to go!!!!!!!!!!!! And baby's kicks & hiccups are getting more obvious by the hour. *Gulp* I'm enjoying being pregnant. :-D
WOOHOOO! +- 80 days to go!!!!!!!!!!!! And baby's kicks & hiccups are getting more obvious by the hour. *Gulp* I enjoy being pregnant. :-D.
-he's taking this "Acoustic Session" seriously! Unfortch, I've to be the vocalist as he can't sing & play at the same time. hehehe And he's more than 6 months to practise...............hmmm.
don't get it why people wanna add them yet haven't got any profile pic! How are we supposed to know who you are?????! Haish. Silly.
is starving! It's unreal. hahaha
can't be bothered to run errands! erghhhhhhhhhhh... but we HAVE to!
is loving the feel good factor after working out (read: Eliptical for 20 mins! that's a lot for a pregnant lady! Hahaha) ;-P
is having breakfast AND "managing" Hubby's Travian at the same time. Lovin' it! :-D
millies cookies, krispy kreme doughnuts, b&j choc fudge brownie, kitkat chunky, m&ms peanuts, to be continued. AGHHHHH! Why am I having sweet tooth like... NOW??????! Please don't give in, it's not good for "our" health.
is having lunch at Tinsletown today. If she's not mistaken! HAHAHA ;-D
feels sorry for Hubby whenever he can't experience baby's hyperactive kicks (read: the ones that are visible not touchable!) Wishing baby will be as hyperactive throughout this long weekend. :-)
-why does it have to rain EVERY bank holidays??????? errrghhhhh! They ought to change the Bank Holidays around.
is it just us or is there something wrong with FB? We can't seem to view our own profile.
is learning to snipe at 10 secs. I've lost my Ebay touch. Dammit!
planned to save up this month so no outings during the long weekend. Unfortch, we ended up on Ebay and spent quite a bit! Hahaha But it's ALL baby's stuff and at such a bargain, guess it's ok? :-D
are glad that they've got each other to grab hold to during bad weather (read: THUNDERSTORM, scary!).
:-) truly blessed.
gets easily annoyed with parents who act like they're their daughter/son's age (mainly teenagers and above)! Please it's pure disgusting. Act your freaking age for once!!!! Euwwwwwww!
such a brilliant weather! :-)
is playing Dynomite at 2a.m.....can't sleep!!
have been watching Ahmad Deedat's clips on Youtube and seriously, we can't get enough of him! He's superb in so many ways. Masha'Allah.
can't wait to try out Dunstan Baby Language! Anyone tried it before? Is it really that "easy"? haha
think that the Postman is not doing his job! Where is my important mails?? Stop sending me those RSPCA and what nots mails!!
think that the Postman is not doing his job! Where is our important mails?? Stop sending us those RSPCA and what nots mails!!
-apparently it's stretch mark! at 32 weeks? can't imagine how many marks to go! *joyjoy*
are on a mission this weekend. need to find Yellow paint for baby's crib. can't seem to find any baby-safe paints so far, argh!!!! help!!
are too lazy to reply e-mails/messages!! but we'll definitely "make" time soon Insha'Allah. :-)
almosttttttttttt there.
finally managed to reply our e-mails and messages! :-)
should refrain from making silly promises with herself like....walking to Oadby! hahahaha I CAN DO IT!!!! :-D
approx 7 weeks to go! gonna seriously enjoy this last few "direct contact" moments with the baby! but, definitely can't wait to wear proper jeans again! :-D
gonna have a really good night sleep after all the walking we did today! woot!
is holding on to Hubby's words- "Krispy Kreme this weekend!" No more walking weekend (Ok, that's my words hehe).
had the worst nightmare ever! :-( Praying all will be well, Amin.
is dreading the Summer hols! Everyone's leaving us behind.......Truthfully, I'm scared....... :-(
-5a.m and I'm already starving?????
thinks there's something wrong with her tummy. she's constantly starving! had breakfast, brunch, lunch... and still i'm hungry! :-S not gooodddddd.
is going on a date this weekend! yeay! no Kudin for once hahahah :-P
- Friday should also be a weekend!!!!!!!
will be in Coventry & Birmingham today. If you guys need anything holla us on our mobile aight? -yucks so hiphop! hahaha-
's back hurts sooooooooooooooo muchhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
is STILL scooting around for Yellow paint, it has to be Organic & for woods!!!!!!!!!! I've 6 weeks to go Insha'Allah. Need them paints A.S.A.P! Any ideas where I can get it from?
6 days to our FIRST antenatal classes!!!!!!!!! Can't waiitttttttt :-D
is spring cleaning Kudin's room as we're "shifting" in there next month. Hahaha I wonder if I've enough time with the state it's in right now ;-P
are all ready to paint baby's crib tomorrow!!! But looks like the weather's not ready for our hard work haha.
can't wait to see the outcome on baby's crib!!!!!!!! yellow mellow :-D
is taking the day reallllllll slow today. everything hurts :-(
will be attending their FIRST antenatal class today and hopefully last THREE appointments with the Midwife. Woah! It is so happening, ain't it :-|
will be attending their FIRST antenatal class today and hopefully final THREE appointments with the Midwife. Woah! It is so happening, ain't it :-|
is blissfully excited to give birth rather than anxious! can't wait for the day to come, Insha'Allah :-)
gonna watch Angels and Demons tonight!
changing the status because it's becoming more like a chat room! hahahaha :-D
are disappointed with the Angels & Demons movie. Youtube is still the best source to seek about Illuminati.
is excited coz her in-laws will be here on the 20th June!!!!!!!!! Someone to look after us when baby arrives, Insha'Allah. :-D Couldn't ask for more.
is it Summer yet? I'm really confused!
+- 30 days to go!!! Wowweee!
is it normal to feel choked up AND guilty EVERYTIME hubby does something nice to you? Or is it just the "hormoneS" at 36 weeks pregs?
wants a really MOIST chocolate cake! Ok Gateau would do too.. for now.
-hubby's not feeling well :-( fever & nose bleed. is he feeling the labour pressure already. hmmmmm...
final Antenatal class from 7-9p.m. Looks like someone won't be watching the CL finals. awww, poor thing! Things we do for the li'l bub. :-)
is hoping this will be her final weekend rearranging stuffs around the house! need some rest....(not that I haven't been doing just that!)
laid eyes on each other 7 years ago, today. Instantly fell in love and still falling in love each and every second of their life. And who would've thought that we'd be bless with a child in the same month Insha'Allah. God works in mysterious way ;-) Happy
- loving the BRIGHT YELLOW crib!!!!!!!!! Our hard work paid off :-) Now just waiting for the li'l bub to "arrive". Insha'Allah. Prayers are very much appreciated. XX
have been feeling restless and upset for no apparent reason! Need to go out and get some fresh air. (rimasssssss!)
loves the Sunshine but need some HEAVY RAIN right about now! It's tooooooooo hot and we can't stand it :-(
aku skarang duk kat UK... ko pakai no. sama lagi ke ? masa aku kat m'sia phone hilang .. no. semua gone ..sorry la .. masa aku kawen tak da budak bbbs pun.. semua lost contact..
is getting fussier at eating & not in the mood to eat her own cooking :-( anyone wanna invite us out for lunch/dinner this whole weekend? no rice please. kthx! ;-)
can live on fruits (inc. juices & smoothies) & vegs right about now! but forcing ourselves to eat just in case we've to go into labour. NEED TO BUILD THEM ENERGY!!!!!!!
haven't had rice for 2 days and it FEELS GOOD. Best thing is,it's not us doing the cooking & cleaning up :-) Can't get used to this. erk.
reality just kicked in that we won't be going anywhere this "Summer Hols"!! Maybe London would be the farthest for us :-( NO FUN! On the bright side, looking forward to our little Sunshine keeping us occupied all day AND night, Insha'Allah.
praying that today will be my last check up with the Midwife. "Please engage by now baby." :-)
baby's engaged!!!!!!!!! Could be anytime NOW or even later if baby is too clingy with Mommy. And baby's still got "plenty" of space to grow in tummy. Gotta eat loads to fill up the space. hehe We're so excited. Do pray for us. Amin.
will be attending a Cloth Diapering/Baby event tomorrow, our first ever! Hopefully they've got nice & cheap CDs. :-D
's Mommy said "make sure you have a watch handy to time ur contractions". I don't even know what contraction should feel like and it's 7 days to my EDD! P/s:I'm exxaggerating all my tummy ache hoping that it'll turn out to be contractions! hahah Does it w
THANK YOU ALL FOR THE WARM WISHES AND PRAYERS!!!! Really overwhelmed to get home reading all these msges. Masha'Allah. We're all still trying to cope :-) Insha'Allah will update soon. For now, enjoy some of the pics. LOTS OF LOVE.
can't thank you guys enough for the sweet & thoughtful msges, we're not ignoring any of you, just need to find time to check FB ;-). Khairaldin is definitely one lucky boy to have such amazing uncles and aunties in his life! HUGE THANK YOU!
and Khairaldin are really exhausted. Baby's been admitted in the hosp for the pas 4D3N due to jaundice and dehydration. Alhamdulillah all is well and he's back to his normal active self. :-)
loves the fact that they don't have to rock/"tepuk"/"dodoi" baby to sleep. Just put him on the bed and he zzzZZzZZZZz on his own. Brilliant! :-) Hope it lasts though. haha
-just wondering, is it wrong to hold your baby for hours to soothe him from any discomforts? after all, he's comfortable and we don't mind cuddling him. is that spoiling a child???
can't wait to wear the baby again on Monday! hahah I'm addicted :-D Although, hubby might give it a try too, cute! :-)
just weighed herself and needs to shed off at least 8kg to get back to pre-pregnancy weight. thing is, i'm loving the "curves". can that not go away too? ;-)
-it's a Sunday and we're up since 4a.m (but Hubby & Baby managed to doze back off to sleep)! Never thought we'd start Sundays this early. hahah Anything for the baby ;-)
everyone's leaving/left for M'sia! WE WANNA JOINNNNNNNNNNNNN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :-(
is missing her brothers & sister so much! And of course missing the parents wayyyyyyy toooo muchhh! :-( July please come and go QUICK!
- Khairaldin weighs 7pounds 6ounces. So far that's MOSTLY Mommy's milk except for that one day :-( Fattening him up so the Uncles, Aunties & Cousins can "vaccum" his cheeks. Not that they can't now, he's got the chubby cheeks genes in him :-)
stocking up for rainy days ;-)
thought they won't be spending much on baby clothes coz they have a baby boy. but apparently not, suddenly there are way too many cute clothes for boys too! uh-oh.
is missing the family way too much! Catching up thru Facebook & phone calls is definitely not enoughhhhhh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :-( I HATE long distance relationship.
PIL going back to Malaysia today. Hubby's 1 week paternity leave left. Wonder if I can cope taking care of Khairaldin all by myself when Hubby starts work. Insha'Allah it's doable since his needs are only milk & sleep for now. :-) Gonna brave it!
is slowly writing up the birth story. can't believe it's been 3 weeks already! my baby boy is so big now :-) Alhamdulillah.
is looking thru the confinement pictures and thinks that she "hogs" the baby! hahaha Pity his Dad :-D
the house is too quiet. can't believe we've got a newborn and yet it's still too quiet!
- it's like almost everyone's having Durian back in Malaysia and uploading pictures on FB!! I want sooommmee.
lost 7kg (8kg to go!!) and Khairaldin's put on 2 pounds in 3 weeks! Great teamwork (breastfeeding &wearing baby) son!!!!
only just realised that Khairaldin was born on their 1 year 6 months and 1 day wedding anniversary! We can imagine ourselves telling him "1 and a half years after our marriage, we got you!" haha Ok lame!
& Khairaldin are planning our trip to Malaysia. Need to know if you guys have any "big events" next year as we hope to be there then. So, do private msg us when you guys want us to be in Malaysia OK? ;-)
is really scared.
can't believe that people think Khalid Khairaldin's a baby girl even with his shaved head! haha Gotta stop wearing him the "flower power" mittens!!
are praying hard for their Aunty Long's speedy recovery. Sorry we can't be there with you but our do'a and thoughts are with you all the time. Insha'Allah it'll be OK. Amin.
's laptop is Resting In Peace! arghhhhh! My EBM sessions will definitely drag coz I've nothing to put my mind off the pump! Not good. :-(
love to kiss & cuddle Khairaldin when he's asleep so that he'll open his eyes for at least 3 minutes. No wonder he disturbs us when we're just about to doze off at night. Tit for tat they say. :-D
finally managed to write her birth story!
Khairaldin slept for 7 hours straight!!! No more 3 hourly feeds. Our boy's growing up so fasttttttttttt! :-)
not in the best mood. in so much pain!!!! arghhhh!!! :-(
trying to get Khairaldin to drink from the bottle. He always make funny faces & sometimes force himself to throw up (and he's really good at this!)!! Tried different brand (Avent & Tommee Tippee) of teats but it's still not working. Need to do this ASAP w
-Give us 5 GOOD reasons why we should go back to Malaysia for good :-)
- any CD Mom's out there? I need help on getting the diapers rather stain less. Other than Sunlight, how else can I get "clean" diapers? I know stain doesn't mean it's dirty. But, yeah. :-D
googling stuff since 6a.m. I wonder why I'd stay up until about 5 minutes to Khairaldin's feeding time then only I feel sleepy & wanna get a nap! Grrrr. End up both of us moody. :-D
can see that Khairaldin's features & attitudes are a mix of the whole family. But we can't see any resemblance to us! hahaha
are the proud parents to Khairaldin! He now weighs 9.4pounds = 4.20kg. He's going over his weight chart and to think the chart's for formula fed baby. Alhamdulillah!! Couldn't have done it without our family's support&do'as :-)
is sooooooo bored! I've been in and out of Facebook gazillion time! Should seriously take up a hobby soon. Hmmmmm... Oh well, time to disturb the li'l one :-)
-my bro's getting hitched tomorrow!!!!!! but we're not there to witness the memorable event :-( anyway to Abg Yas & Sarah, we pray that you'll endure this new life with lots of love & happiness. Do take care and tolerate each other. May you be blessed wit
-highlight of the day; Groceries shopping! hahaha Argghhh, need to get out of the house more often.
don't know how those Supermoms can work + care for a baby at the same time. I don't even work and I'm always knackered by 11p.m and to think I get evening nap. Kudos to those Moms!!!
finally going on a date tomorrow, after 6 and half weeks!!!! Khairaldin will be cared & loved not forgetting smothered by Uncle Abang, Aunt Anees, Abg Aiman & Kakak Ainur :-D Yeayyy!!!!! Thanks Abg & family :-)
10 lonely weekDAYS to go!! Can't wait for Mommy, Daddy & Kudin's arrival. :-) Full house all over again, Insha'Allah
Oh No! Iskandar's already thinking of baby nameS!! And asking Khairaldin whether he wants Adik boy/girl (as if he can plan la kan!) :-|
are thinking about THAT Chocolate Cake. Hmmmmmmm. Who's up for second round??? Don't wanna bake it just for us. Hehehe
love it that they can put Khairaldin in his crib whilst they go d/stairs and shisha. 5 mins check, he's already in his lala land! :-D we're blessed with a carefree child. alhamdulillah.
6 WEEKDAYS TO GOOOOOO Insha'Allah!!! can't wait to spend my EARLY mornings with Mommy, Daddy & Kudin. Khairaldin's always asleep! :-D
gonna spend their weekend "Spring Cleaning" the house. Mommy, Daddy & Kudin coming back next week. Woot woot!! No more Abang's house after this, gonna hog them all to myself!!! MuahahahahHAHAHAhaha :-D
is not looking forward to reading the "Friend's News Feed" tonight. I bet there'll be loadsa pics of the wedding! Grrrrrrrr. Missed the fun!
was awoken by the sound of Khairaldin sucking his fist!!!! (Yes, it is THAT loud) Thanks to Kak Anees he has now discovered the "art" of sucking fist!!!!!! Hahahaha
quite impressed with their camera quality. but it only turns out great in natural lightning. still need to learn the functions on making Khairaldin look less Orange when picture taken indoor. Hmmm, but not sure what I'm supposed to be playing with as I don't like to use flash. Anyone?
-this time next week, we gonna have a FULL HOUSE!!!!!!! Insha'Allah. 5 days to gooooooooooo!
4 days to go!!!!! weeeeee!!!!
Khairaldin turns 2 months today! Which only means he's due for his first jab. Friday- BCG and Wednesday- Circumcision. We're preparing ourselves for the feverish baby this next couple of days if not WEEKS!! :-| Have to be strong!!
have a few GREAT recipes to experiment but Hubby was too "tired" to bring me to the Chinese shop. Bummer!! Well, his lost. Muahaha. Will try my luck again on Thursday. :-)
going back to bed with my very "Masam" boy!! ZzzZZZZZzzzzzzzz DND till Hubby gets home. :-) Goodnight all, although it is 8a.m now :-D
in a dilemma :-(
Khairaldin is not as transparent as he used to be! He now sleeps for 1/2 an hour, wakes up very fresh then start being cranky not sure whether he's still sleepy or hungry. End up sleeping on the breast for another few minutes! Then the cycle starts all over again! Hmm. Cheeky baby :-)
guss what??!!! it's Saturday tomorrow!!!!!!! Mom & Dad arriving the U.K Insha'Allah at eta12:35p.m! CAN'T WAIT CAN'T WAIT CAN'T WAIT!!!!!!!
Khairaldin has had his jab and is fast asleep since. Cried a tiny bit but hey ho, he's a baby.. :-) He's not supposed to have any fever etc, so monitoring him this next few days! Alhamdulillah all went well.
almost perfect life, can't wait for baby brother's arrival tomorrow!!!!! Mom & Dad's got me lotsa froot loopsssss! My 5 a day is sorted! hahaha
back "full force" on Facebook/Farmville tomorrow! been a superbly exhausting weekend :-)
3 more days of "ganti puasa" to go!!!! so hard fasting & breastfeeding at the same time, but HAVE to do it!
wow! Daddy's such a great babysitter. Khairaldin's been asleep since the last hour! normally he'll wake up every 5 minutes with me. Guess that's what happens when u have 7 kids! Such a pro. Oh yeah, Daddy just held Khairaldin's leg and 2 mins he's asleep! Man, I'm impressed!
1 more day to go tomorrow, apparently I won't have enough time to ganti my last day. Grrrr!
baby boy is now a Li'L Man :-) So far so good he's just tad bit cranky & restless from the surgery. Alhamdulillah.
Khairaldin's started cooing and smiling again this morning! Yeay!!! He's recovered quite quickly :-) Alhamdulillah.
can't wait to bring Khairaldin to the Masjid (for the first time) for Tarawikh!!! So excited!! We feel all grown up now :-D Btw, Ramadhan Kareem.
I should seriously learn to sleep longer!!!!! Ever since I became a Mom, I've been awake at 7a.m on the dot!! And to think Khairaldin's now sleeping from 10p.m -8a.m! As for Iskandar, he's always awake at night & sleeping in the day. Probably got used to night time parenting. hahaha
after 6 months of being made redundant, I can finally see the light at the end of the tunnel. Hahaha Full time housewife/mother/daughter/sister has always been my dream job :-) I have now forgotten how Monday blues feel like. I've moved on.
didn't managed to fast today :-(
seriously need a HUGEEEEE calendar in my room! keep getting the day & dates mixed up. it was bad enough that I missed Khairaldin's appt with the GP y'day and today ALMOST missed another BIG & IMPORTANT "event". GRrrrrrr!
3rd time lucky??? what?????
is using facebook mobile! Woop woop!!
Oh man! It doesn't work properly. Not getting notifications!
haven't got the chance to cook for Iftar ever since Ramadhan started coz Mom & Kak Anees always beat us to it! Gotta book the kitchen a day in advance. hahaha
saw a few decent "baju raya" for Khairaldin but none for herself!!!!!! It's so hard to find a "breastfeeding friendly" top. :-|
long weekend! Yeayyyyy!!!!! :-)
is into baking but haven't got the gadgets for it! dang! need to get hold of some "cool" gadgets :-)
loves co-sleeping coz whichever side I turn to I see good looking 'boys'! I love u both so much! Mwah!
got all the baking gadgets but I think the oven's not working properly!!!! it keep burningn everything i bake. grrrrrrrrrr!
it was the oven's fault! Dad's confirmed it. ;-p I'm a good baker after all. Hehehe
-this year's Ramadahan is somehow extra special. :) Alhamdulillah. Love u all!!
is making Chicken Chop & Coney dog for Iftar. Yummmehhhh!!!!
hmmmm, what's on the menu today? Hubby's Coney Dog turned out great y'day. Not as stingy as A&W. And my chicken chop, I'll let the rest be the judge. ;-)
decluttering process starts today!!! It's a MUST if I wanna buy more new clothes (Hubby's rule).
Khairaldin's 11 weeks. Weighs 5kg and has outgrown his 0-3 months old clothes when he was 8 weeks old! He's getting chubbier & taller everyday. Got a feeling he's gonna be bigger/taller than us!!! hehehe Above all, Alhamdulillah baby's healthy!
is back in the blogging world. but not ready to share my URL as it's not quite ready. :-)
can't wait for the weekend! Iftar at Abg's & Middlesborough. Yumm Yummm!
loving the weather! back to sleep even though Khairaldin's hogging the bed..zZzZZZzzzzzz.
is starting to claim her birthday present from Hubby. hahaha And he keeps falling for it every year when he knows I am still expecting something on the day itself! :-D
are off to Middlesborough this weekend! Have to manage my Farmville beforehand. heheheh
first time packing for 3 and to be honest, it ain't easy!!! need to learn to pack light. hmmmm..breast pump, baby's chair, extra clothes that's already 1 bag!!
Khairaldin loves long journey. He slept straight thru from Boro to Lesta!
wanna buy a new babby carrier but can't decide on the colour.. hhmmmm...
wonders y some girls bother wearing make up at such a young age (read:teenagers!!). I only think it's a neccesity to wear it when one has a baby, due to having eyebags. Even so, I still can't be bothered to buy any and still going au naturale. Care to share?
Khairaldin's down with fever & cold. Surprisingly he can still laugh & smile when people (especially Nana & Daddytok) talk to him. Glad he hasn't got the "man flu" ;-)
hoping for Khairaldin's hair to grow in time for Raya. Wishful thinking!!
feeling classic :-)
-Alhamdulillah, I've only missed 2 days of Tarawikh this year. Inspite of having a baby, we still managed to perform Tarawikh with no probs. Thanks to Kudin, Hubby & Daddy for Imam-ing all of us. Wishing to do more during this last 10 days, Insha'Allah. Amin.
didn't plan to lose any weight during fasting month but somehow I lost 3kgs!! woohoo. And to think I've only just subscribed to Fitness First, haven't even started going. Psychologically it works man. ;-D
seriously can't remember where I put the charger for my camera!!!!!!!! Argh, I bet Hubby will have the "I told you so" face on him. Dang it!! :-D
is waiting for Hubby & Baby to wake up. Excited to buy Khairaldin's Eid attire. Got my eyes on that attire from ZARA. Wakey wakey boys!!! :-)
Khairaldin's a big boy now. Just few months back he'll look for us first when he's awake but now he can entertain himself w/out us noticing he's awake. :-)
don't do baby talks with Khairaldin. It'll just confuse him and also us in the future.
it's now clear what 1Malaysia is all about. It's more about the racers than the races. Thank you Najib for making it clear. :-) Kudos to u.......NOT!!!
wanna buy something that's not baby related!
tummy hurts!!! they say the last few days is THE test and I'm gonna work myself through it. OUCH!!
how come Malaysia dah confirm Raya on Sunday? Hmmmmm.
appreciate all the tagging "games" but it's rather annoying once ppl start to comment on it. Sorry if we untag ourselves from your profile.
first it was the baby now it's the Daddy. Ya Allah, please give them good health so we can celebrate this last few days of Ramadhan,AMIN.
and Khairaldin will be dressed in White, Purple, Black and Red. Yes, we haven't got a theme coz we're a lively & colourful family :-)
"It’s easy to be ARROGANT behind user passwords we invent. But on the day the scrolls are laid, with every word and deed displayed, when we read our accounts, I know, for one, I’ll be afraid."This status contains special characters. It won't display properly in the collage.
i know i don't work but i still look forward to welcoming the weekends! lotssssss of strictly hubby time ;-)
Can babies get bored/"muak" of breastmilk? Khairaldin now nurse for a maximum of 5 minutes and he's off the breast. He'll also force himself to shut his mouth, TIGHT! But it'll last him for 5-6 hours without being cranky. Is he ready for solids? Mommy & Abah are definitely not ready. :-D
had a rather thorough tutorial about editing video from Daddy :-) I can now upload videos in less than 2 minutes! Woohooo.
can't wait for tonight's dinner!!! MomDad finally raya-ing Insha'Allah.
Monday = gym day????? Gotta GOTTA burn them baby fats and I have to do this before my second baby "arrives".
baby brother (Raja Kamarudin Idris) is all grown up now!!! He's starting first day Uni tomorrow. I can still remember following him to school in Klang early in the morning. Anyway bro, ALL THE BEST & WE KNOW YOU WILL MAKE US PROUD! Insha'Allah. Amin. Missing your presence here ;-( Do come back often yeah! Even if it's just for Shisha.
need to get back to pre-pregnancy weight within 1 month; 5kg to lose. Do-able?
Mommy said "don't go to gym, don't be selfish, think about your baby FIRST. Gym = tired = less breastmilk". Guess what, I'm taking her words for it! hahahah Looks like I've to start later :-D
Khairaldin's weight at 16 weeks: 6kg, 0.5kg more than graph "requirement". He's put on 1kg in less than 3 weeks. It's all our hard work that kept him healthy & chubby! :-)
can't wait for Maktok's arrival!!!!!!!!!!!
maktok, u.maman, a.zulina & adnan arriving in 5 minutes!!!! :-) full house for the next 2 weeks. best best!
3 things new parents love to hear: 1)Wow! You fully breastfeed ur baby??! No formula at all??! (looking in disbelief at his chubbyness) *pats on back* 2)You guys did a great job looking after the baby without any "adult" supervision!*thumbs up* 3)It doesn't feel like there's a baby in this house, your child never cry, such a happy baby! *big grin*. And yes, got all that & moreeee from Maktok. :-D We're proud!
Raja Kamarudin Idris & Raja Azhar Kamarudin, we are already missing Onyx dearly! Mom said once you get rid of the Mak Iti make sure you bring him back. Hahaha Although, he'll be staying in the shed :-D
is super duper proud of her Abang (Ezrin Raja)!!!! The first to have a Masters in the Raja Kamarudin & Raja Adnan family. After all the BS he's to put up with. hahahah CONGRATULATIONS BRO!!
brought Khairaldin round the "block" in his stroller. I think I can keep doing this exercise; easiest one so far. :-)
Khairaldin is into shouting with a screeching voice and doing it at 4a.m is definitely not that impressive (at least for the Abah). heheh But the grandparents think it's cute. So, he's left in their room to be entertained.
it's 10:40 and hubby's sound asleep. very rare!!!!! it's normally me dozing off first. hmmmm.
updating Facebook status on Khairaldin's progress is definitely not enough! So we're now blogging about him instead at
can't wait for Sunday's Dinner!!!!!!!! Can't believe I'm turning 25! SO OLD!
belly dancing ;-)
don't get it with people who "likes" their own status or pictures.
thank you Mommy & Daddy for the spanking RED videocam! I know it's to capture videoSSSSSS of you grandson that's why you bought it for my 25th. But I still will camwhore! :-D Loving it!
THANK YOU all for the birthday wishes!!! You guys remembered even w/o reminder!! Dang, I can't lie about my age???? hahah Thanks again. Lots of love, Iva :-)
feel like she's the luckiest "girl" on earth! At age of 25 a housewife & Mommy, I definitely couldn't ask for more. I'm living the life I've always dreamt about. Alhamdulillah.
is so proud of Hubby! Alhamdulillah, he's going back to school to do a Post Graduate course! All the best Sayang and we'll be supporting you 100% and more! Lots and lots of love!
at home with Khairaldin. Back to normal routine, the house is so quiet! Everyone's at the airport. It was a pleasure having MakTok, U.Maman & A.Zulina around. So, who's coming next???? ;-)
still waiting for the day Khairaldin rolls over! His bombom is too big for him to roll over, we think.
need to update Raja Ilyas Kamarudin with current issues but haven't got the time to sit down and write a message. :-D Will try and do it this weekend bro, ok?
it's a freaking weekend! i'm hoping we'll be doing something beneficial.
Khairaldin scratched his EYEBALLS! There's blood on his "white eyeballs". Don't ask us how he manged to do it. Totally clueless. :-|
Khairaldin's already in DaddyTok & Nana's room & Hubby's off to work. Some alone time for myself, what shall I do? hhhmmmmmmm........
Hubby's going back to "school" tomorrow. I'm excited as if it's Khairaldin's first day at school! hahah
forgot that she's not fasting today! gonna stuff my face with fooodsss! krispy kreme + millies + apple crumble cupcakeS to be exact. YUMMEH! ;-)
car still in workshop, really need to know how much it's gonna cost me for the repairs!!!! Apparently someone's filled up Diesel instead of Petrol. Thank god I couldn't be blamed as I haven't driven for aggggeesss! hahaha
finally the garage called to say that it's not the fuel's "fault" but instead it was !"£$%^&*)(% ZZzzZZZzzZZZZZZZZZZZZzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz. (yes, he was explaining as if we know each & every part of the car) whatever it is, it's gonna cost us a whooping £250 and still counting! ARGHHHHH!!!!This status contains special characters. It won't display properly in the collage.
lo and behold....... ;-)
feeling bloated!
think we've found the "perfect" shower gel & cream for Khairaldin's dry skin. Praying it'll work on him. No more Itchy & Scratchy Shin Chan (as nickname by Daddytok!) after this.
such a nice day to just stay in bed with lotsa cuddles & kisses but unfortunately, Hubby's at work! BOO! Oh well, I'll just join my baby on the bed. :-)
got too much free time. u want some?
shisha-ing with Hubby. But I'd rather swap it with THAT choc cake hehehe
DST ended today???? Meaning it's not 8a.m. yet? Dammit! Well still gonna disturb Hubby from his slumber. It's called tough love honey, tough love! :-D
burrrrrpppppppppp!!!!! excuse meeee :-D
took Khairaldin out for a walk & for the 1st time he was awake thruout the walk. Came home,went straight to bed and has been laughing and smiling in his sleep.So easily pleased! Alhamdulillah
I don't normally brag about my baby's look buttttttt Khairaldin's eye is sooooooooo adorable! 8-) hahaha so rounded! Masha'Allah.
who would want to MODIFY a TIMING BELT????!!!? Is this garage taking the piss just because I'm a girl or is he really for real about what's happening to my car! GGrrrrrrr! Not happy. Missing you Red Car! :-(
going to a park nearby. weather looks rather convincing. :-)
keep forgetting to wear her wedding ring ever since she's got Khairaldin. But I wear him in his Ring Sling, does that not shout, I'M MARRIED????!
can't wait to get hold of our SSC!!!! Black, White + RED, can never go wrong! :-) 12 days to go. heheheh
how do u know when ur baby's teething? Khairladin's been biting my finger like nobody's business and when I take it off he'll scream & when I put it back in his OK. He doesn't like the teething toy. I still can't see any teeth-like on his gums though. Is this just a biting stage? heheh
anddd the awaited GRAND total is............ drum roll.............£530++!!!!!! Could get a flight ticket to Malaysia with that amount. car oh car, love you still!This status contains special characters. It won't display properly in the collage.
love getting letter addressed To Parent of: Master Khalid Khairaldin Raja. It just sound.. awwwwwww.. But would be dreading this type of letter when he starts school though ;-)
got herself BlackBerry Curve in Violet to get her mind off that whooping bill! Amazingly it's working :-) hahaha Any excuse ey!
some people are just too childish. V( Raja Azhar Kamarudin, Raja Kamarudin Idris, Raja Khalid Khairaldin) cannot stand those kinda people. hahahaha Ps:don't like my status, don't comment. Kthx.
really can't wait to get her BB!!! Those with BB, PM me your PIN as I know I'll take forever to find my PIN! haha So, after this less Facebook and more on BB chat. I like! heheh
MY NEW TOY IS HEREEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!! WOOHOOOOO!!!! To those who mailed me yoru BB Pin, I'll add you as soon as Hubby finish playing.. I mean, setting it up first ;-)
*jakun mode:ON!!!!!!*
BB PIN: 212326E7.
November alreadyyyyyy? Can't wait for December to come. Will be a hectic yet fulfilling month :-) Rush over December!
Khairaldin laughs everytime we kiss his chubby cheeks and at night he becomes extra cheeky by giving us his "heartiest" laugh. I guess he knows by now that if he acts all cute Mommy & Abahwill let him sleep on the bed with them. Clever boy!
spring cleaned the room. oh so tired! forgot to even call hubby on his lunch break!! but he'll be pleased when he get back to a squeaky clean house/room :-)
always believe that "LUCK is what happens when preparation meets opportunity".
Have been using O2 wap instead of WiFi!! Thank god noticed it before my next bill!!!
WOAH! Khairaldin been sleeping since 9p.m y'day and it's been 12 hours STRAIGHT!!!! I think I need to wake him up for nappy change. Sorry baby boy, but it's way toooo long! :-)
prefer sleeping on a single sized bed than a queen sized bed!!!! So there will be no space for us to be far apart. :-|
i rest my case ;-) siapa makan chilli dia rasa
how am I gonna get my exercise when all the shops I go to is now also selling online! (read:walking for hours in the mall was the best form of exercise anyone could get!)
making plans for our 2nd year Anniversary without Hubby around! And his wages is "safe" in my bank account. HAHAHAHA. Whatever the plan is, I'll definitely include him in it ;-)
ewwwwwwwwwwwww!!!!! Khairaldin's just discovered what he can do with his saliva. yucks!
genuine Q: what's the moral of the story for Humpty Dumpty Nursery Rhymes ang also Jack & Jill's. It's just depressing how they fall for no apparent reason. Why the heck was Humpty Dumpty on the wall in the first place!!!????
one lazy Saturday!
oh no..................!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :-(
it breaks my heart seeing Dad on his own :'( And I miss Mom already!
will be in Black, White & Red todayyyyyyy!!!! Weeeeeee! ;-)
is in love with her new baby carrier!!!!! Action pictures will be updated soon. Watch this space :-)
Khairaldin's going for one of his many jabs today. Praying he won't be too poorly like the last one coz Nana's not here to supervise! We'll be doomed otherwise.
the meds have finally kicked-in. He's down with temperature and have been sleeping on my arms for the last 2 hours; cramps!! Get well soon baby boy. This is just the beginning of ur ongoing adventure :-) Chin up! *mwahhhh*
don't really record Khairaldin's milestone. Is that bad?
feels good having the chance to do MOST of the domestic chores by myself! Normally Mom beat me to it :-D I feel like a laydee all over again ;- )! Tralalala~~~~
watching Teleshopping at 6a.m is SERIOUSLY dangerous! You tend to believe anything and everything :-D
determined..... Insha'Allah. :-)
Khairaldin's 5 months and 1 day old today!!!!!! He's "slowly creeping" into his adulthood! The bittersweet feeling............
off to London with Daddy tomorrow. Yippeeeee!
praying for a speedy and smooth delivery for her sister who's already in labour ward!!!! Amin.
Welcome to the world Malin Iskandar!! Love, hugs n kisses!!!!
Khairaldin's asleep as if he was the one who WALKED throughout the journey!! When in fact, he was the one who slept throughout the journey! hehehe Not complaining though coz I'm going down for Shishaaap! ;-)
heard Baby Malin's cry over the phone. Bliss!!!!! at least for me hehehee
ACCIDENTALLY washed Khairaldin's clothes with one of Dad's red shirt. Yes, all of his clothes turned PINK! Now I have a reason to dress him up in pink :-P
finally!!!! yes we signed up to the plan ;-)
is planning their trip to London to meet up with Adriana Thani & also Nur Hawa & family! Super excitedddd!
is doing some reading on BB. hahaha jakunnnn!
shopping for Khairaldin at Coventry!!
feels super skinny coz she can still fit into 13year old's clothing!! hahaha no the buttons didn't pop out ;p
after 5months and 2weeks, we're finally ready. Most importantly he's ready :-)
it's only 7pm but we're already in bed!! so sleepy!
thinks it's cute whenever Dad updates Mom about Khairaldin's progress :-) *eavesdropping their Skype conversation* hahahahah ;-)
this time next week, we'll be strolling down the streets in London :-) Insha'Allah!
praying for Mommy to come home SOON!!!! :-D
tummy ache :-s
wants to blog but can't be bothered to use the PC. sadly BB don't support blogspot!!! grrrrrrrr.
slept way TOOO much! and yes, this coming out from parents of a 5months old baby. What sleep deprivation? hahaha
still haven't fed Khairaldin any solids!! He seems OK after breastfeeds. We'll wait a few more weeks.
buying Khairaldin's BED this weekend! not cot but a proper bed with those handrails.
can't wait to go on their short break!! wanna start packing like now!!! hehehe
finally realised that it isn't hunger that's waking him up at night, it's separation amxiety!!!:-| good thing for studying child psych!
3 more sleeps to go before our short break!!! it's been a while since we got out of the Midlands. hehehe
is on the motorway and making full use of my BB internet!
need to pack pack pack!!!!!! But where to start? Hmmmmmm.
father and son bonding session = watching Chelsea Vs Arsenal game! Oh well, as long as I have peace and quiet to do the packing! hehehe
it's so hard to pack for the baby!!!!! his tops will never be enough! the what if he pukes, what if he's too cold............ no more last minute packing.
early night? who u kidding.. Khairaldin just woke up from his evening nap! Looks like we'll be in bed by 12a.m!
my in laws are already excited to view "The London Trip" pictures on FB. haha so cute!
been waking up every hour since 3a.m thinking we've already missed the coach! at one point I thought we were in M'sia house!! gosh.
Alhamdulillah, safe and sound in our hotel. tomorrow's gonna b another long & interesting day.
so, where shall we start today?
on the way home!
is a pro at BFing in public, travelling with CDs, BWing for more than 12 hours + walking for milesssss! *pats on back*
Khairaldin is sleeping on his "big boy" bed!!!!!! soon enough move out of Mommy & Abah's room? ;-)
have to put on weight to look like a Santa! hohoho I've got YOUR present, whoever u may be. ;-)
craving for my infamous very moist choc cake!! Why did I promise myself the next I'll bake it is either on our anniversary/Iskandar's birthday?!?!!
might go back to Friendster coz it looks so much trendier!! :-)
will be doing washing 2moro, might go thru Hubby's pockets to see who's his 'Santa baby'. Next weekend, rummage thru Izzleen's house!!! ho ho ho.
hello blog, it's been awhile! let's catch up!!
FINALLY bought Khairaldin's foodSS! Can't wait to start him on solids!
Dear Santa Babies, I'm sorry your presents are a li'l mean! But somehow when I saw those things, it shouted your names! xoxox Santa Iva & Santa Khairaldin :-D
Yeaayyyyyy! Hubby's coming home to cook lunch- Coney Dog! Yummmeehh! Raja Kamarudin Idris are u coming over for lunch or dinner?
Mommy arriving tomorrow MORNING!!!!!! Can't wait to see her. It's been wayyyyyy tooooo long! No more leaving us Mommy/Nana :-)
Khairaldin's started to eat baby rice y'day. After lunch,he's demanding on 3hourly feeds all over again. Even during night time. It's like he's even hungrier now than ever!!:-|
I think the design of my blog made me stop blogging for a while. It looks rather.....B-O-R-I-N-G!!!
WHEN IN THE WORLD DID MY BABY LEARN TO ROLL OVER????? I was using the PC for a bit and he's already at the edge of the bed... damn!!! now is the time to be on 24-7 lookout!
woah! we can't seem to keep up with the ever growing MLM "business" in Malaysia. It's like everyone wants to sell something thru their FB status.
sneaking out of the room without KHAIRALDIN noticing. Shisha is bad baby, real bad! :-D
Khairaldin is distracting Iskandar's study session by LAUGHING in his sleep!!! Obviously Abah has to stop for a while and look at his baby :D seriously adorable!!! *swoon*
turning 2years in 3days, Khairaldin turning 6months in 4days & Iskandar turning 26years OLD in 1 week! Insha'Allah, Amin! So, do I hear partaaaaay?!! Woop woop!
what shall we cook today? bearing in mind it's other people who's gonna eat our cooking! hehehe
what if???..... In the end of the day, it's all in HIS hand. We'll accept it as it is. Insha'Allah.
technically, it's already our wedding anniversary. So to us, HAPPY 2 YEARS ANNIVERSARY!!!! Many more years and babies to celebrate, Insha'Allah. Amin!!!!
Khairaldin turns 6 months today that only means his Mommy will be super busy in the real kitchen...... cooking! No more cafe world! :-D
Alhamdulillah. Iva's FINALLY a British Licence holder! hahahaha About freaking time! hush hush whoever knows how I got it ;-)
3a.m: nursing our poorly baby. It's like he can sense another THREE jabs coming up in few days time! :-|
it's snowing heavily out there but Khairaldin is down with really bad cough & cold! Oh my babyyyyyy!!
has been waking up every 2 hourly because of Khairaldin's blocked nose. But I still feel fresh & alert! Mommy's super power ey.
it's snowing!!!!!!!
someone's getting older (26 years OLD) tomorrow! Wooohoooo!!!
HAPPY BIRTHDAY HUBBY!!! Have a grat one! Love you lots! :)
praying that Khairaldin will recover soon coz I can feel the 'bug' slowly creeping in my system :( *gotta be strong for Hubby & baby!*
slowly losing my voice!! :-(
down with terrible cold & cough!!!! How to play Lips on Xmas lunch??!
it's time like this I wish I was in Malaysia!!!!! can't stand the weather anymore :(
Khairaldin is entertaining himself by watching Christmas movies. The parents r just too ill to accompany him!!!! *pulling duvet*
Raja Kamariah (Dian, online Skype and teach Aunty Iva how to play PetVille!) hahaha ((Bosan betul game dia Kak Mriah!!))
on our New Year mission already! 1431 looks promising, Insha'Allah ;-)
can't wait to go to London to do some Yarn shopping!!! will there be any Boxing Day discounts? hmmm