Hi All!
Glad to be back on the blogsphere. I dekat kerja sekarang, tgh curik tulang! haha Kena tulis dalam BM sebab tak boleh nak guna internet sebenarnye kat kerja. Ahhh, whatever! Anyway, how's everyone doing? Other than Helmi yg meng-injured-kan diri! :P heheh Hope all is well.
Just wanted to share some great updates with my fellow Xangans
Here goes..
Week beginning the 6th October, I had a really weird feeling (mood swings and tender breasts to be exact!). I didn't take note of it since I thought I was due for my period. So yeah, just left it as that and waited. On my birthday, the tenderness got even worse, I couldn't sleep the whole night!!! This was not normal for me because normally if I'm due for my period I'd only feel that kind of pain for 1 or 2 days. Since it was going on for a week, I told Iskandar that this is not normal. So we thought, could it be that I'm pregnant?? Hmmm. We didn't expect it but we thought, hey lets just buy the pregnancy test! After all we've never tried one! hehehe So we spent my birthday going into town and bought a pregnancy kit! haha How fun!! Then we got back home and tested straight away. Iskandar was waiting patiently outside the toilet for the reading but since we had to wait for approx 5mins to get the reading, I then decided to wait outside the toilet with him!! After 5 minutes, both of us were looking at the stick and really we didn't know what we were supposed to be looking at hahahah! Then Iskandar took the box and we compared it with the guidance. We only bought one test kit because we didn't expect it to be a POSITIVE!! When Iskandar saw the positive sign, he was so excited and wanted to tell everyoneeeeeee about it. I had to hold him back as I thought it could be a fluke. I had to hold myself back as well since it was my birthday everyone was calling me up and wishing me Happy Birthday, imagine I had to just pretend like I haven't got a great news! That was really hard!!
So the next day I called my Doctor's and asked what should I do from here. My DR then advised to take another 2-3 tests and if it still show a Positive then for definite it is a Positive! So, the next day we bought another 2. hehehe Tested with my afternoon urine and the second stick was used for the next day morning urine. Both of it came positive and bare in mind it was an instant positive for all 3 tests!!!! heheheheh We still didn't tell anyone because we were not sure how far along I am. But because both of us were too excited, we only waited for another 1 day and started spreading the news! heheheh My dad was more keen to know than my mom. Mom just said Alhamdulillah & Congratulations. I guess she's used to this kinda news after having 7 kids & 3 grandchildren!!!! Iskandar told his parents and so cute Iskandar wanted both of them to hear it at the same time so they asked them to pick up both of the phones. My FIL was too blur and he said alah, ckp with Mama first then me.. heheheh So we did. Then my FIL msged us saying sorry because didn't listen at once but he was desperate for the toilet. hahaha How cute! As for my sister, she was so excited and even changed her Facebook status but in an anonymous kinda wish. heheh My brothers, they were too shocked and couldn't believe it until they found the pregnancy stick! hahahah They were all like, huh??? Macam mana? (Really, did they want the detailsss? hehehehe) As for my nephew and niece, they've been counting down to become a cousin! So adorable. Everytime they see me they want to know the baby's growth. My Mom even got a book out for them to show the weekly growth for the baby! They were too excited. hehehe
So yeah, I'm officially pregnant. I had 2 ultrasound scans to make it official because Alhamdulillah I haven't suffered from any morning/pregnancy sickness and I'm almost at the end of my First Trimester! I'm still vomit-free, Alhamdulillah syukur!!!! I'm constantly having dreams of the unborn child haha. We've got a few names in mind but we don't want to know baby's sex until he/she is born! I think it's boring when you get to know the sex before they're born. So Iskandar & I want it to be a secret and hopefully the baby won't "kangkang" when we go for my 20 weeks scan! But I will tell the midwife that I don't want to know the sex so they will NOT tell me what it is :) How exciting!!!
I find it really freaky how on my birthday the symptoms got really bad! It was as if the baby wanted to say "Happy Birthday Mummy! I'm in here". heheh Because after I tested, Alhamdulillah the symptoms subsided. What a cute "baby" I've got. And definitely, it was the best birthday present anyone could ever have!
Oh, the other freaky thing is, baby's due date is on the 22nd June Insha'Allah and on the 21st June 1978 my mom gave birth to my premature 2nd brother (Arwah Abg Salleh) and because he was premature, he passed on 2 hours after his birthdate. Imagine 30 years later, I'm then pregnant!! Alhamdulillah. Everything happens for a reason.
Btw, I LOVEEEEEEEE my baby bump!!!!!!!! hehehe Will post up pictures when it becomes really obvious. At the moment it looks as though I'm bloated but I'm still loving it :)
Will try and update every now and then on baby's development, Insha'Allah.